About the Study
Your experiences and insights are invaluable to us. The in-person interview provides important information, measurements, and assessments that will be collected in person by trained examiners in either English or Spanish.

Thank you for being a valued part of our research! If you want to learn more about this study, we invite you to read our steps below:

About the Interview

The data collectors will assess both your physical and mental abilities. Each assessment will take no more than 10 minutes, and you are free to skip any assessment if you prefer.
The interview will take about 2 hours in total. It will be conducted in several parts and can take place in a location that is convenient for you.
We will ask about topics such as your relationships, health, family, memory, work, and finances.
The saliva and blood samples collected during the interview will help Add Health researchers learn more about the physical and cognitive health of adults in your age group.
By completing the survey and the cognitive assessment, you will provide valuable insights that will support our research.